Caring on Campus is a collective for those within the Higher Education (HE) sector involved in university life, irrespective of whether they are located on or off campus.

Its aim is to offer resources and facilitation where professional and personal wellbeing can merge seamlessly, such that there is a genuine shared sense that everyone matters and belongs.

It gets to the core of what it means to connect, to listen and to communicate. Where both educator and learner can experience relationships and spaces where they can explore, establish and express their own individual values and purpose as a way of living and being.


It isn’t possible for a learner to have a good day when the educator is having a bad one.

It’s an inside-out Ripple Effect

Where teaching faculty transform and become agents of the change now needed to meet current day challenges in Academia, they then also confidently help steer learners on the journey towards finding their own meaningful contribution in life. Whether that be in research, back into teaching, or as changemakers in the wider world, it all manifests depending on the positive development of the whole person. This is Quality in Education: UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4.

There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.
We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.

Desmond Tutu


The UK Government urges the University Mental Health Charter (UMHC) Programme to be taken up by all HE institutions by Sept 2024. Its aim is to achieve a whole-university approach to mental health and wellbeing, as a Principle of Good Practice. Furthermore, Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings now include Impact & Sustainability as an additional consideration, where for Quality Education, SDG #4, the UK participation is weakest.

It is mental wellbeing that ensures sustainability. From the inside-out, personal wellbeing sustains professional wellbeing, which in turns sustains good leadership, resourceful communities and sustainable world economies. More than anywhere else, the guiding principles to enable this can be made visible within Higher Education.

Caring on Campus is a pro bono offering in the form of engagement-based development in multiple formats and retreats, provided by volunteer professionals who share a vision for transformation within Higher Education. If you share our imperative then let us hear from you.


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4 Cs to C-ease

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